The Argentinean Blueberry Committee (ABC) is a nonprofit organization that was formally established in 2010 to promote a positive image for the Argentinean blueberry industry and to focus on communicating the quality, reliability and availability of Argentinean blueberries in the U.S. and around the world. The Committee represents over 80% of Argentina’s exports and it is formed by the key blueberry exporters of this country. We manage approximately 2100 productive hectares strategically distributed across three key regions: Northeast (Entre Ríos and Corrientes), Northwest (Tucumán), and Central (Buenos Aires).
In addition to the companies, the three regional chambers are institutional members of the ABC: the Association of Blueberry Producers of Tucumán (APRATUC), the Association of Blueberry Producers of the Argentine Mesopotamia (APAMA), and the Chamber of Blueberry Producers of Buenos Aires (CAPAB).

Our Committee’s central mission is to drive competitiveness in the sector. To achieve this purpose, we have outlined various lines of work addressing crucial areas such as the labor environment, customs and logistics issues, opening new markets, as well as promotion at the national and international levels.
In line with a social focus, we strengthen the sector through strategic partnerships with civil society institutions, specialized NGOs,Unions, and joint entities.
As a civil association, our responsibility includes the global promotion of fresh fruit, highlighting the unique qualities of Argentine blueberries in terms of quality and taste.
In addition to our outreach initiatives, we maintain constant relations with government authorities and representations abroad. We actively participate in intersectoral meetings and establish strategic alliances, such as the recent collaboration in Fruits from Argentina, sharing space with Cherry, Pear, Apple, and Citrus (lemon and sweets) producers.
Annually, we conduct the “Better With Blueberries“ campaign, aimed at promoting healthy consumption during intensive harvesting periods in the domestic market.

For the last few years, we have been adding significant value to our blueberries, emphasizing sustainability. The ABC has designed its own Social Compliance System, focused on preventing child labor, and today the results are evident, with 50% of Argentine blueberry production certified with social traceability.
From a social perspective, we actively participate in the Network of Companies Against Child Labor, a public-private dialogue platform committed to ensuring the full rights of girls, boys, and adolescents. With the participation of over 100 organizations, including companies and business associations, we tirelessly work to address the issue of child and adolescent labor.