At ABC, we promote two types of services designed for children and adolescents living in the production communities, under the associated management model in collaboration with public entities at various levels (local, provincial, and national), workers’ unions, and the NGO DyA – Desarrollo y Autogestiónt.

1. Child Care Centers: Early care for children aged 0 to 4 from rural families (non-formal education).

2. Youth Spots Centers: Spaces offering digital connectivity and academic assistance for adolescents aged 10 to 17.

Testimonials for each of these services highlight the importance of implementing care spaces for parents to leave their children and education services for adolescents to have opportunities for learning and recreation.

Currently, 5 Child Care Centers operate in the province of Tucumán, at the Comunas or Districts of Santa Lucía, Sargento Moya, Leon Rogues, Teniente Berdina, and Rumi Punco, all of them in the province of Tucuman),

The Youth Spots Centers are public spaces providing digital connectivity for young people aged 10 to 17, with tutors supporting their academic journeys. Two spaces were created, one in Santa Lucía and another in Sargento Moya, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. They continue to operate with assigned shifts and all safety and hygiene measures in place, helping prevent school dropouts and child labor by supporting the educational, sports, and cultural continuity of adolescents.

What is the associated management model?

It is an innovative model that focuses on coordinating services among multiple stakeholders. These services and programs are managed by a Policy and Implementation Steering Committee, including the participation of 5 local governments (representing communes or districts), 4 provincial ministries (Interior, Labor, Employment, and Social Development Ministries), the National Ministry of Labor, UATRE (workers’ union), RENATRE (National Registry of Rural Workers and Employers), the private sector through its national institution (ABC)  and provincial associations in the 3 productive zones (APRATUC, APAMA, CAPAB), and a Civil Society Organization, DyA.

Our Model as an Example of Best Practice:

Child labor is a highly complex issue. Today we have the opportunity to showcase a National best practice of associated management between the private sector, public sector, and civil society, focusing on preventing child labor and promoting education.