Strengthening actions against child labor in the blueberry harvest

The Association of Blueberry Producers of the Argentine Mesopotamia (APAMA) reaffirms its commitment against child labor in the blueberry harvest through an agreement signed with the Secretary of Labor of the Entre Rios province. This pact involves joint actions for responsible production and reaffirms the commitment to eradicate child labor and protect teenage work during the harvest season. The two-year...

Preventing Child Labor is the Focus of Blueberry Sector Actions in Argentina

The president of the Association of Blueberry Producers of the Argentine Mesopotamia (APAMA), Alejandro Pannunzio, stated that they, along with the Argentine Blueberry Committee, are working in collaboration with the Ministry of Labor of the Nation to prevent child labor. As part of awareness-raising efforts in the media, Alejandro Pannunzio gave an interview to Radio Nacional. In it, he mentioned...

Piloting a system to prevent child labor in blueberry harvesting

In this blueberry harvest, a system involving harvesters, contractors, producers, municipalities, and unions is being implemented. The aim is to establish child protection regulations in productive communities. Recent control operations in Concordia, where officials reported no detections of child labor, are the result of prevention efforts that the sector has been implementing. Social commitment The blueberry harvest started strongly this...

Certificate of the Enterprise Network against Child Labor

We are proud to receive once again the Enterprise Network against Child Labor Certificate, which recognizes the valuable participation of the Committee in the actions carried out by the Enterprise Network against Child Labor in 2020. We keep on ratifying our commitment to this issue. Thanks to all national, provincial and municipal authorities and to the Technical Team of the...

Blueberry sector incorporates day care centers for harvesters’ sons and daughters

The second child care center for harvesters’ sons and daughters opened its doors this week in Tucumán. The sector is already working to set up other centers in production provinces such as Entre Ríos, Corrientes and Buenos Aires. “This is our national social strategy,” they announced. The Blueberry harvest will have a strong start at the beginning of October in...

Child labor actions are strengthened in blueberry harvest

The Secretary of Labor signed an agreement with the Association of Blueberry Producers of the Argentine Mesopotamia (APAMA), which ratifies the commitment against child labor in the blueberry harvest.  Joint follow-up and monitoring will be conducted to protect childhood and working families. The agreement signed by the Secretary of Labor, Ángel Zacarías, and the head of the entity that groups...

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