An “Inter Institutional Commitment Letter” was signed between the Ministry of Labor, Employment, and Social Security, the Ministry of Social Development, the Mipyme Secretariat, and the Tucumán Labor Secretariat, with the participation of various entities and municipalities. The agreement aims to prevent and eradicate child labor, protect childhood, and promote education in the province. The Good Harvest Program will contribute more than thirty million pesos to strengthen eight care and support spaces for the children of agricultural workers in the blueberry and citrus sectors.
Present at the signing on behalf of the Government of the Province of Tucumán were the Minister of Social Development, Lorena Málaga, the Mipyme Secretary, Jorge Luis Domínguez, the Deputy Secretary of Labor, Julio Nieto, the Secretary of Childhood, Adolescence, and Family, Pía Muñoz, and the Secretary of Programs and Social Plans, Miguel Cervino. Alfonso Máculas represented RENATRE, Maró Guerrero represented DyA, Carla Ginóbili, the Social Responsibility Manager of ABC, Francisco Estrada, the president of APRATUC, and Facundo Vargas Aignasse, the head of the Tucumán Territorial Agency, and Edgardo Zuliani, the coordinator of the Good Harvest Program, represented MTEySS. Representatives from the municipalities where the agreement will be managed throughout 2022 were also present.
Following the signing, the President of APRATUC, Francisco Estrada, went to the Tucumán Territorial Agency and handed over the Good Harvest Program Proposal Submission Form to the Head of the Agency, formalizing the agreed-upon actions.